I swear there must be a sign outside my house that says "Sucker lives here". It's only visable to stray dogs and cats in need of a home. My husband and I were sitting on our front porch last week when we heard a persistant "yip! yip". Across the road prancing about was this black puppy. Of course, I called to him and of course, he came running. The first thing I said as he dashed my direction was, "You little jasper! Where did you come from?" Solid black and all legs, he looks to be a Lab with a good dash of hound thrown in. His feet are huge and webbed and he delights in water from any source. I really don't need a dog I tell myself as I buy puppy food, bones and a collar. I really don't need a puppy I tell myself as I stop at the vet for flea medication. I really don't need a puppy I tell myself as I bathe him and rub him down. I really don't need a puppy as he falls asleep in my lap. I guess I really need a puppy I tell myself as I make an appointment for shots and a check-up.
Hello, sweet friend! Look at you with your very own blog...and pictures! You rock! And lucky Jasper to have found YOU as his new owner!
Hey Cindy,
Psst, I guess you need a puppy! :) LOL
Oh what a cute little fella!
why couldn't he have shown up when we were kids?
sorry Kel! I don't know. You know what they say Honey, "Timing is everything"....Mom
He's a cutie!!
*found through Blogger Profile Interest: quilting*
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