Thursday, May 29, 2008

mission accomplished!


Whew! Am I glad that's over! I've been painting my kitchen cabinets and it seemed as tho I would never be finished. I don't like to paint, but I sure love the feeling that a fresh coat of paint in a new color does for a room. I'm being all extra careful when I'm in there working so that I don't get anything on this new grayish white paint. That probably won't last for long.

I got some of my cabinets cleaned out along the way too and threw away or gave away a lot of junk I don't want anymore. And no, daughters, I did NOT get the one cleaned over the microwave. You just about need protective head gear anytime you open that set of cabinets. They are not large enough for what they are required to store, so when you open them out jumps something ready to land on your head or fall to the floor. Maybe I will do that soon...maybe not.

Now that is out of the way, I have some sewing I want to do for my little grandbabies. Cute stuff. Appliques, monograms, lots of pink. Can't wait to get on that project. And of course those infernal yo-yo's. Must finish the yo-yo project.

My little garden plots are growing. We have eaten Swiss Chard, radishes, a few strawberries, and in a couple of weeks, we will be eating our own home-grown broccoli! The beans look nice too. All of my flowers are up and thriving so that soon I will have bouquets galore. I already have had peonies and those lovely little spicy carnations in a tiny little vase. Today I have Snapdragons and wild Honeysuckle gracing my kitchen cabinet.

The seventeen year Cicadias (I think that is the correct name) have come alive and boy, are they loud. They keep up a loud buzzing all day which bouces off the ridge across from our house and the echo makes this peculiar sound that can best be discribed as a flying saucer. It's weird and I'll be glad when their life cycle completes itself.

Under the heading of "Aw, isn't that sweet!" I have tell you about another little bouquet I am admiring these days. The other evening after the MOTH and I finished doing the dinner dishes, he disappeared. I couldn't figure out where he was. He was in none of his usual spots. A few minutes later he came in the house with a fistful of wild daisies. He had seen them growing when he was working outside and had gone back and cut them for me. Those are the best kinds of bouquets in the world.
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G. B. Miller said...

ohhhh! I like the kitchen!

What a MOTH you have! Momma always said they broke the mold with daddy, but there was another one a whole lot like his. :)

Mary-Catherine said...

That looks SO much better.