Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm back!


Yeah, high speed internet! Let's hope it solves some of my problems.
This week I am deeply entrenced in the activities of the Republican Convention. Evenn tho I think it is a worthy way to spend my time this week, I can't help but feel a little guilty sitting in front of the boobtube for hours at a time. So to assuage my guilt, I have taken on a large knitting project. I guess as a nod to the campagne goings on I should knitting in red, white, and blue but instead I'm honoring my favorite season (hurry up Autumn!) and am nearly buried in a froth of Autumnal colors. The yarn is super fuzzy and the official color name on the yarn band is "straw into gold" Love that. What is it? It's a sweater for me! I hope by the time the convention winds up on Thursday to have it almost completed. I know my fingers are hoping that, because they are starting to get a little bit sore. We'll see.

The fall decorations are going up around here slowly but surely. I bought a couple of new things this year. I need to take pictures of them. Both were made by a decoration extroidanere friend of mine. She and I spent a fun morning browsing in the Old Time Pottery store choosing lots of really nice autumn silk flowers and berries to make fall arrangements with. At the check-out it was mucho$ but luckily since she has a business, she got a discount. And for me it wasn't so much because we did a little bartering in the side. She requested a pair of hand-knit wool socks for the winter and I was happy to oblige since I like to always have a pair of socks on the sticks to pull out when in the car with the MOTH or just to keep my hands busy when I am waiting somewhere.

Jasper is behaving himself pretty much right now. He likes to lie at my feet when I am knitting with his head on my feet. It's a nice cozy feeling I must say. His new snack food of choice is Cheetos. He can catch one of those things thrown from a mile away. he hears the bag rattle when you open the cabinet and he is johnny on the spot!
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1 comment:

G. B. Miller said...

That yarn looks 'scrumptious'! You will have to model the new sweater when it's all done and take a pick. :)