Tuesday, November 6, 2007

the baby in the

picture in the previous post leaves tommorrow along with her parents for Hawaii. All day they have been packing and repacking their luggage and bringing it downstairs. Tonight the saddest sound in the world to me is the sound that suitcase wheels make as they are pulled across a floor.

Not really sure when we will see Isabella again. Maybe not until June. All day I have been breathing in the scent of her skin and hair and rubbing her little red head and trying to memorize the satiny feel of her skin. She is like a magnet to this grandmother's heart. Everytime I walk away from her I have to turn around and return to those little wide open mouth kisses she has just learned to give. Nothing is sweeter than her little hands going to my face patting and grabbing at my nose and hair. I want to remember those fat little legs and they way they are always circling in the air. If you could fasten her to a tricycle, she could go around the world I think. They only stop when she is asleep.

We gave her parents an early Christmas present-a digital camcorder. I want the everyday recorded and sent to me. Bathtime, lunchtime, it really doesn't matter. I'll watch it over and over until the next installment arrives. For now, it will have to do.

Stinkin' ol' Navy. Stinkin' ol' Hawaii


amy said...

Oh, my sweet friend! I'm so, so sad that your little Isabella has to go live so very far away from you. I'm thinking of you...hoping you see her again before June, for Heaven's sake!

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