Friday, February 1, 2008


I think I am a stomach bug magnet-if there is one of the nasty critters within a huge radius it is going to land plunk in the middle of my digestive system. It made its presence known last night and today I am not so good. I was lying in bed covers piled on and the chills were so rigourous the bed was moving. And you know what I was thinking as my tummy rolled and I shook? "Hey! maybe I'll lose a pound or two!" It's sick I know. In an attempt to warm up and maybe settle the tum-tumm I am slowly sipping a cup of very hot strong Irish Breakfast tea.

I felt guilty about leaving the dog in his little cage all day so I brought upstairs with me and closed the bedroom door to prevent his roaming around. Didn't work. He wanted in bed too. Not gonna happen. I was lying there with only my nose sticking out and he kept poking it with his spongy jelly bean nose and whimpering. So back to the cage for Jasper.

We are having high winds today. I love the sounds of wind. It is creating a symphony as it moans and whistles and causes the trees and bushes to sway and scratch at the windows. Inside, all is cozy as I enjoy the music.

Well shoot! The tea is not working. Gotta go!


Anonymous said...

Just got caught up with all your blogs, and I am totally awed! love it (and the grandbabies)
thanks for sharing!

Gannet Girl said...

Feel better!

Anonymous said...

poor Jasper! :( I would have let him snuggle with me.

G. B. Miller said...

Well, doggone! Hope your bug is much better. Talk at you soon. Big Sis

Mary-Catherine said...

Poor jasper...:( I wish he would come to Hawaii and stick his jelly bean nose in MY face!