Sunday, December 14, 2008

a clear view of the southern sky

I have NOT had most of the week. Hense my disappaerance. We live in the boonies and the only way to get high speed internet is with satellite. When you see the Hughes Net commercial and they say all you need is a clear view of the southern sky to have access to high speed internet, believe it people. Most of the week our sky was a deep dark leaden gray that sent rain by the bucketsfull all day. I was offline so long, I was going nuts. Couldn't email, couldn't keep up with world events, couldn't shop. I wasn't starting to ascquire a nervous tick, and felt myself twitching convulsivly. Well, not really, but I sure didn't like it.

On the advice of my internest whiz son-in-law, I called IT support just to be sure it was only the weather and not something more serious. I had never done that before but desperate enough to try.

I bet you know where my IT support is. India. I knew I was in trouble when the voice on the opposite end said, "Hello my name is Deepak and I am here to help you." Oh, lordy all I wanted was a Kevin or a Susan, or anything remotely pronouncable by this southern girl.

I was concentrating very hard in an attempt to understand D. as he asked me questions about my computer. Finally D, says to me, "Ceendy (that's my name in Indian), type what I am going to say.

"O.K., I am ready." I say fingers poised over the keyboard.

Then D. says to me, "Deh Blue, Deh Blue, Deh Blue."

Total silence on my end, but my brain is in a panic as I frantically looked for a "Deh Blue" key. Then I started thinking it must be French and I don't speak French. What to do? I asked D. to repeat his instructions. Politely he did. I was still clueless and finally sai, "Could you spell 'Deh blue' for me?"

This time D. was silent. Finally he said in a slow, painstaking way, " Deh Blue, as in WHISKEY!"

Embarrassed, I said, "Oh dub-ya, dub-ya, dubya!" I said in my best southern accent.
Talk about being mortified! Thankfully, the rest of our conversation went a little bit better with the final diagnosis being no clear view of the southern sky. Puh.


Yummers! said...

I am laughing out loud. I've had to deal with IT people in India before... and it "ain't no picnic" as they say. Been there... done that. You have my empathy!

Mary-Catherine said...

HAHAHA!!! ya'll probably NEEDED some whiskey by the time that was over! :-D

Pink Princess said...

Must be me, but I still don't get it DUH!! (must be the Dutch-USA language barrier of some sorts ;) )

Never mind, it still is funny, hehe.
I don't think (hope) we get that kind of thing if we call a helpdesk!!

Hugs from Marian

Pink Princess said...

DUH!! NOW I get it: double, double, double, as in double you, lol!!

I'm silly, I told ya!!