Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I've been tagged by KellyMaria

at Belle Ame. I have to post 6 things about myself and tag 6 others.

Here goes.

1. I hate to have my picture taken. Really hate it.
2. I love to be all alone all day long in my house cooking, crafting, and decorating
3. I like to shop online
4. intense, high strung people drive me nuts. You know the kind? Everything and I mean everything is IMPORTANT, especially if it pertains to them.
5. I would spend my last dollar on a book or a craft supply
6. My favorite Christmas movie is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

1 comment:

G. B. Miller said...

She's not lyin'or exaggerating. All six of those things are true. As the "big sis", I should know. ;-p