Monday, December 1, 2008

sorry I've been MIA

No reason for it really. First I skipped a couple of days, then another, then I was out of town, then I was busy, busy with babysitting, and the longer I went without posting, the guiltier I felt and the guilt was so great that I didn't even want to look at my blog becasue I felt so badly about not posting.

My December challenge to myself is to post everyday this month. Even if it is only a sentence, I hope to get something written here.

We had a week with our granddaughter Sophia while her parents were in Hawaii. Whew! She kept us busy! Plus our other granddaughter Isabella was here too. We were in toddler mode for over a week. I went back into survival mode. quick! she's asleep, get something done! For a week I took very fast baths, cooked very little, stayed dressed in sweats, pretty much stayed at home, and cuddled and sang, and kissed little toes, and inhaled the sweet smell of baby.

Thanksgiving was good, although we only had one of the grands here. We still had a good time and ate too much. We were lucky to get to spend some time with old friends that were vistiing.

The decorations are up! I love decorating for Christmas but this year, I went for a leaner, more traditional look. Lots of red and gold. I will be posting pictures over the next few days.

Now for the shopping! I've done a little, mostly online. I love shopping online and scoping out the etsy shops to see what unique things I can find. am trying not to buy so much "junk" that only ends up unused and unloved just a few days after the big day.

I am also working on some cute stuff for Inspireco. I will be featured in January and I am trying to get my stuff finished and mailed to Amy in record time. I have some really cute little birdies that I can't wait for everyone to see. Maybe I'll give a little peak!

So, hello everyone! I'm home!


Anonymous said...

yes i would like to have one of those little birdies...

Anonymous said...

yes i would like to have one of those little birdies...

Anonymous said...

yes i would like to have one of those little birdies...

Anonymous said...

yes i would like to have one of those little birdies...

Anonymous said...

yes i would like to have one of those little birdies...

Anonymous said...

yes i would like to have one of those little birdies...

Anonymous said...

yes i would like to have one of those little birdies...

Anonymous said...

yes i would like to have one of those little birdies...

Anonymous said...

uhhhh sorry my computer REALLY wants a birdie

Unknown said...

I don't think it's the computer, I think someone else reeeaaalllly wants a birdie.

Mary-Catherine said...

Yay! you're I just need to reunite with my blog....

G. B. Miller said...

You're back!!! Thank you!! Thank you!! And a post everyday in December??? You go, girl!!