Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm still here

but there is mega knitting going on, leaving little time to blog. I am working on a project that floundered a few months ago due to a poorly written pattern. I've completely switched gears and am bound and determined to finish it this week. Therefore, it is my constant companion. Getting unmired on that, has got me all hot and ready to knit some more. Got a cute little pair of booties going for the babe that will be here in a matter of days and a mind full of ideas for other things too. Not to mention a yarn order with yummy stuff and a couple of kits that should fill my mailbox any day. Ooh I just love to get a package by post. But who doesn't?

On the diet front-I am doing really well so far. And today while out shopping with my daughter, she said she could tell I had lost some. Yahoo! I've been really good so far. I cheated tonight and it was President Obama's fault. Hey he might as well get used to being blamed for everything from earthquakes to diet cheaters huh? It really was his fault tho. The MOTH and I were watching the AirForce One special on the National Geographic channel and at the end they showed the new president on the plane for the first time. He was ordering his dinner-a cheeseburger and fries. It sounded so good the way he was telling the steward how he wanted it. It had been hours since I had eaten a large chef salad and I really wasn't hungry but it sounded really good to the MOTH too and he looked at me and said, Man that makes me hungry for a cheeseburger, wanna go get one?" It was 9 o'clock at night but suddenly that sounded like the best idea in the world. So off we set two middle agers eating like kids way too late. Let's just see how we sleep after eating like that so late. If we have tummy trouble we can blame that on Obama too. LOL


Mary-Catherine said...

OOh yummy...Maybe Isabella and I will do that too...

Anonymous said...

thats funny we watched that too! B

Shine said...

OK Cindy...I think you missed your calling. Maybe a crafting comedian?!?!Hehehe

G. B. Miller said...

Yeah, I've always wanted to say, "My sister, the comedienne." =)Great post, btw.